Course Overview: The “Introduction to Electronics” course by STEMGuyana offers students an in-depth exploration of electronics through hands-on projects using Raspberry Pi and Arduino. Targeted at learners who have completed at least four robotics courses and have experience with Scratch coding, this course focuses on integrating electronics with practical applications such as hydroponics. Students will gain a comprehensive understanding of electronic components, circuit design, and programming, enabling them to create innovative projects that merge technology with real-world solutions.

Course Objectives: By the end of this course, students will:

  • Understand the basics of electronics, including components and circuit design.
  • Learn how to use Raspberry Pi and Arduino to build and program electronic projects.
  • Explore the applications of electronics in hydroponics and other real-world scenarios.
  • Develop advanced programming skills to control electronic components.
  • Enhance problem-solving, critical thinking, and project management skills.
  • Foster teamwork and collaboration through group projects and activities.

Course Content:

  1. Introduction to Electronics:
    • Overview of electronic components: resistors, capacitors, LEDs, transistors
    • Understanding circuit design and schematics
  2. Raspberry Pi Basics:
    • Introduction to the Raspberry Pi platform
    • Setting up the Raspberry Pi and basic programming with Python
  3. Arduino Fundamentals:
    • Overview of Arduino and its components
    • Writing and uploading Arduino sketches
  4. Hydroponics Project:
    • Introduction to hydroponics and its benefits
    • Designing and building a hydroponic system controlled by Raspberry Pi and Arduino
    • Monitoring and automating the hydroponic system using sensors and actuators
  5. Advanced Programming:
    • Writing advanced code to integrate Raspberry Pi and Arduino components
    • Using Python and C++ for electronic projects
  6. Sensors and Actuators:
    • Understanding different types of sensors (temperature, humidity, light) and their applications
    • Integrating actuators (motors, pumps, LEDs) into projects
  7. Project-Based Learning:
    • Engaging in projects that combine Raspberry Pi, Arduino, and hydroponics
    • Solving real-world problems using electronics
  8. Teamwork and Collaboration:
    • Working in teams to brainstorm, design, and implement electronic projects
    • Enhancing communication and collaboration skills
  9. Final Project and Demonstration:
    • Students will design and develop a comprehensive electronic project as their final assignment
    • Presentation and demonstration of the final projects